Code Devlog #4

Goal(s) accomplished by the team:  More scripts were added. A main menu is now being researched into what we want for it.

The team's goal for next week:  Add a basic main menu before loading gameplay.

I have accomplished for this week:  Practiced using code and running script. Uploaded project to GitHub.  Created new scripts with Nathan - Constant Forces script was added. Bomb scripts reworked a bit. Rating System was started hope to finish it. Helped to add Ui elements.  Score and "patience meter". Rating system started.

 I will accomplish by next week: Use tools available in Unity to create a new scene which will hold the main menu. It is intended to function as a basic menu

To accomplish  this goal I will need to learn: Look up more scripts to benefit us. Watch any tutorial videos that will explain in detail of the process of creating the main menu. Consult sources for help and guidance.

Play tested: Ui works as intended. The score on the top left adds points on successfully helping a customer.

Get Kangaroo Hotel

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